Monday, 5 January 2015

The Turner Pavilion

One of the features of Holiday Traditions this year was the transformation of the Turner Pavilion into Santa’s Cabin.  

Children and their families walked through the Christmas decorated Oak Allee, past the Candy Cane Garden and through the back door of the cabin to visit RBG’s Santa Claus.  What a wonderful use for the teahouse!

Looking back at RBG Centre.

Oak Allee leading from RBG Centre to
Turner Pavilion
So, that leads one to wondering about the history of Turner Pavilion.  J. Austin Floyd was the Landscape Architect who developed the master plan for Hendrie Park in the early 1960’s to include a pavilion. With the development of the Centennial Rose Garden in Hendrie Park people realized that the long walkway from RBG Headquarters needed a focus at the end and so in 1966 a building fund was established to erect such a structure.

Miss Edith H. Turner came forward with a substantial contribution and so the pavilion, designed by Hamilton Architect Alex German, was erected and officially opened on June 22, 1974.  Miss Turner requested that the building be dedicated to the memory of her parents, Sarah and George A. Turner.  George was a developer in the north east area of Hamilton.  Edith, who never worked, accrued her wealth by turning the $250,000 she inherited from her parents into millions through successfully playing the stock market.  Other RBG projects have benefited from her donations. Edith H. Turner died in 1983.  The Edith H. Turner Foundation Fund exists today with the purpose of assisting and providing funds in the fields of education, health, humanities and social development in Hamilton. The Hamilton Community Foundation manages these funds. Read more about this foundation in a recent Spectator article.

The original use of the Turner Pavilion was the provision of public restrooms in Hendrie and a sales station that was operated by the Auxiliary.  The garden staff were given storage facilities in the basement.  However, with the expansion of RBG Headquarters, the Auxiliary was able to move its sales station to the Floral Art Shop in the Centre.  The Pavilion was converted to a tearoom for use by visitors to the Gardens.

 And so the story continues, with a new and innovative way found to bring visitors through Hendrie Park during the winter months of Holiday Traditions in order to visit Santa in his cabin.  Santa’s reindeer were located here when they visited, as well as an ice sculpture. Decorations along Oak Allee added to the festive spirit and the magic of a night time visit.

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