Euphorbia pulcherrima (Poinsettia)
The plant that is most commonly associated
with Christmas is the poinsettia. You can certainly see a large number of
large poinsettia plants decorating areas of RBG centre, especially around the
train displays and forming a large, impressive tree in the bulb room. In fact
there are over 500 plants in the building.
Dr. Joel Poinsett |
The poinsettia is a member of the
spurge or Euphorbia genus, with the
species name pulcherrima, meaning 'most beautiful' (Euphorbia pulcherrima).
It is native to southern Mexico and Guatemala, gaining its common name from Dr.
Joel Roberts Poinsett. Poinsett was an amateur botanist and the first U.S.
Ambassador to Mexico in 1820’s, discovering the poinsettia in wilderness of the
Taxco area. He sent some of these plants back to cultivate in his
greenhouses in South Carolina, distributing them to friends and botanical
gardens. Originally they were known to people as ‘Mexican fire plant” or
“painted leaf” but eventually the name Poinsettia gained popularity,
recognizing Poinsett’s role in introducing the plant to America.
An old Mexican legend describes the
association of poinsettias with Christmas. A poor Mexican girl wanted to give
baby Jesus a present at the Christmas eve services, but not being able to
afford anything picked a handful of weeds from the roadside. Once laid at the
base of the nativity scene the weeds burst into bright red flowers. In Mexico
they are known as Flores de Noche Buena (Spanish for "flowers of the holy
Red is the most popular colour making up more than half of the Poinsettia sales, followed by white and pink. |
Poinsettia’s can come in a variety of
colours such as the popular flaming red, orange, pale green, cream, pink, white
or marbled. They can range in size up to that of a small tree 4 metres
A 12 foot tall Poinsettia in Florida |
A gangly natural Poinsettia grown in the tropics. |
The red coloured structure is not the actual flower, but rather they are bracts, or modified leaves. At the centre of ring of bracts is a cluster of green and yellow structures called cyathia. Each cyathium is an inflorescence, or flower cluster, comprised of many individual male flowers, and a single female flower.
The ring of bracts can be seen extending out from below the green and yellow cyathia. Each cyathium contains an immature cluster of male flowers with one single female in the middle. |
The male flowers are more mature and pollen can be seen on the stamens. Poinsettia will last longer if bought when the cyathia are not developed and resemble little peas. |
Each cyathium bears a
two-lipped, yellow gland that produces nectar to attract insects. |
The bracts of the Poinsettia are originally green and gain colour as the plant matures. |
Poinsettias (Euphorbia pulcherrima) can be identified as members of the Euphorbiaceae family because they release a milky sap, containing latex, when leaves or branches are broken. Some people may develop skin irritation from direct exposure to the milky sap. However it is not poisonous.